A Matrix-Free ILU Realization Based on Surrogates


Matrix-free techniques play an increasingly important role in large-scale simulations. Schur complement techniques and massively parallel multigrid solvers for second-order elliptic partial differential equations significantly benefit from reduced memory traffic and consumption. The matrix-free approach often restricts solver components to purely local operations, for instance, to the most basic schemes like Jacobi- or Gauss–Seidel-Smoothers in multigrid methods. An incomplete LU(0)-decomposition (ILU) cannot be calculated from local information and is therefore not applicable to an on-the-fly computation typically needed for matrix-free calculations. It requires storing and factorizing a sparse matrix, contradicting the low memory requirements in large-scale scenarios. Here, we propose a matrix-free ILU realization. More precisely, we introduce a memory-efficient matrix-free ILU-Smoother component for low-order conforming finite elements on tetrahedral hybrid grids. Hybrid grids consist of an unstructured macro-mesh which is subdivided into structured micro-meshes. The ILU operates on the degrees of freedom assigned to the interior of macro-tetrahedra. This ILU-Smoother can be applied to the efficient matrix-free evaluation of the Steklov–Poincaré operator from domain-decomposition methods, as well as for the finite element tearing and interconnecting dual-primal and balancing domain decomposition by constraints methods. After introducing and formally defining our smoother, we investigate its performance on refined macro-tetrahedra. On the macro-tetrahedra the ILU-Smoother is implemented via surrogate matrix polynomials, which we combine with a fast on-the-fly evaluation scheme, resulting in an efficient matrix-free algorithm. We obtain the polynomial coefficients by solving a least-squares problem on a small part of the factorized ILU matrices to remain memory efficient. The convergence rates of this smoother in relation to the polynomial order are thoroughly studied.

Daniel Drzisga
Daniel Drzisga
SIMULIA R&D Software Engineer

Developer of high performance simulation software. Experienced with C, C++, Fortran, and Python with a background in numerical analysis and scientific computing.